Travel in a time of communicable disease

I wake before the alarm. Brush my teeth. Grab my things. Adieu ma cherie. Bisou, bisou! The uber delivers me to Sheremtyovo and it‘s all fairly normal bar the temperature check and obligatory mask. I get on a large steel tube with many Russians and we cross the skies to London. Something is grandly amiss in the capital. And the wider British psyche is so clearly damaged. The metroplois is running at maybe an eighth of it‘s usual capacity. And, everywhere masks are being worn. And signs are warning. And theirs is the stench of fear. What the fuck have they done to this once thriving place? Can it ever recover? I drop my Visa application with the Russians. No return for me otherwise. It goes well. And, once done, I just want to get out. Home beckons. It‘s been over 5 months. I am thoroughly ripped off by my trip to town.

So, back out to Heathrow. It is so very very quiet. The flight is how flying is now. Everyone wearing masks. You order your meal and make it last as long as possible… because of course you can‘t wear a mask when you eat or drink. I get to Zürich late. So, whole journey from Moscow without any real checks about the bat monkey virus or quarantines. All the news stories are basically sensationalism. All the government bravado just a front. I fall asleep on the train to Basel and get woken up by cleaner a good half an hour after we arrive. they think I‘m drunk. And so begins my three weeks in Switzerland. It goes by so so fast. I don‘t see so many people. Keep myself mostly to myself and get the jobs I need to do done. And, before long I‘m getting my Covid test to make the journey home.

Armed with a negative result I fly from Zürich. I need to use my result within 72 hours. Zürich airport is like a ghost town. I get there around 6 and there are only 5 flights left for the evening. I fly into a still fearful London leering through it‘s masks. But, three weeks later it feels a little livlier. It is late when I get my airbnb room. I am trying to work out the code for the door to the fat flabby slapping sounds of fucking from my neighbours. The next morning I walk to the Russian Visa Centre. London is still strange. Many shut up businesses. Some signs of dead businesses being renovated and turned over. Pheonixes planning a glorious rise from the ashes. A city this big cannot go on being this dead. But the British are sick, in their heads. It could be a while.

I catch a train out to the airport, and finally a plane back to Russia. The only health check I receive during the whole journey is upon entering Russia. A group of kids taking the paper forms we had to fill out on the plane. Paper forms? Really? The whole thing is a farce. So much fuss and so much disaster. And, when you look at the real raw statistics, it is all for nothing. A waste. A political front with no real conviction put in place to satisfy a terrified public. What has become of us? We are not sleeping. We are on life support.

Asahi Pentax Spotmatic SP / EXA 1C / Fomapan 400 / Kodak 400 / Ilford Pan 400

Stavia with Support (Nasher) – Putney Arts Centre, London

A very rare trip to London from the Babbler here. I hopped on the plane to catch Stavia live in concert. I hear you ask, why? Well, I once played bass of all things for Stavia and my good pal Grant is still playing guitar for her. Ok lets cut to the venue first. Putney Arts Centre is more suited in my opinion to plays and such like. It’s an auditorium. Both acts would be better suited to a cafe bar atmosphere, I thought. Interestingly Nasher is the ex-guitarist from 80s megastars Frankie Goes to Hollywood. Infact Holly Johnson was in the audience, I didn’t see him though, as i wasn’t watching out. Nasher is good, much more my taste than aforementioned FGTH ever were. Lyrically engaging songs delivered in a straighforward unpretentious manner. I bought a CD, and continue to enjoy it. Now, Stavia. Stavia plays an easy middle road pop. It’s all smoothly delivered. Lets get my negatives out of the way first! I do sometimes feel Stavia tries a little too hard with the “pop singer” thing, were she a bit more relaxed and unpretentious the music would come over nicely and with less of a stiff feel. Also, when will she drop those backing tracks. It’s a recipe for disaster. I don’t understand, she has a decent band to carry the music and leaving them out would give the music more of an organic rough edge. That said, it was an enjoyable evening. Her repetiore’s wide and there are some good rockers and engaging slow songs. The band kicks in solidly behind her at all the right bits. Get that audience in a place where they don’t think they’re watching opera and this’ll work.