Submitting to whims…

They, being the powers that be, have turned my hometown into a ghost town. The few ghosts I do see are all masked. You can’t tell wether they are happy or sad. But I suspect the latter. Where is this thing taking us? All the bars and restaurants are closed along with most of the shops. Where I live it is already three months. They haven’t put us in a lockdown yet, but it’s about as close as it gets. The hospitals are not overrun, and the deaths are happening around the average age people die at without any real significant excess. Less healthy countries are, of course suffering more. But is it honestly at such a level to merit this societal suicide The whole thing is completely weird. I think we are in the eye of a storm. Just now the social payouts are keeping society on life support, but the reality is society will come out of this coma physically and mentally damaged, the question is only one of severity. Switzerland is still comfortable. Luxurious even. But, around us, the cracks are starting to show in civil unrest manifesting itself behind different movements. Little bursts of steam coming from the pressure cooker. People will soon have nothing to lose. I feel their could be some extreme ideologies taking hold in the next two years that will take us into some very dark places. History has a nasty habit of repeating itself. And terrible things often happen in the name of altruistic intentions. So, that’s my little piece of pessimism stacked on the pile you already started building. Is there anything we can do? If you have any money, buy bitcoin and hard assets. It’s still not too late. Your FIAT is going to be completely useless. Stop listening to the news. It will bring you down. God knows I am trying to ignore it myself without much success. Eat healthy, love well and above all value your freedom.

If you think it really helps…

If you really think it makes a difference. I want my promised hundred year plus. It‘s my basic human right. Otherwise what‘s all this hassle really for. I want my billion dollar yacht. My equality with the global elite. Equality: what every ape wants. While also wanting to beat all the other apes. I may go flying soon. Passing amongst the Earth‘s cowering masses, an unvaccinated judaeic angel of death spreading malcontent far more potent than any damned virus. It‘s in my head. It‘s in my head.

Asahi Pentax Spotmatic / Jupiter 9 85mm / Kodak Gold 400

Moscow / August 2020

All the fun of the fair.

I smashed my phone. Or so I thought. As I went down the stone stairs inside our building to go on my habitual midnight run through Gorky Park. The stairs are dimly lit. My phone fumbled clumsily out of my hands then flapped down screenside like a dead fish on a chopping board. I bought my phone cheap just over a year ago.

We have an ongoing battle – she and I.

I am anti apple. She isn‘t. She has had two phones in 8 years. I’ve had four. All cheap. One I lost in a Crimean Taxi near Yaltra. And one the battery was only a little too quick running out of charge. Another fell into the toilet. I actually still have it and it still works. Actually, I think that‘s the one with the battery problems. The current one has two sims. I need this just now having a foot in two countries.

And the current one is on it‘s second screen. It also has a dodgy power plug. Of course when I saw it had cracked, I asked myself, to repair or replace. I hate to lose an argument. I want a phone that can last forever! So, I spend all day looking for a new phone. I find rugged phones. You can drop them from great heights and even take them swimming. And, after too much online time, I find THE PHONE. I plan my great adventure to the outskirts of the Moscow Metropolis.

And, as I am about to go on this odyssey, I tell her. I had kept quiet about my phone breaking because of this running competition we have. She asks to see my phone and then strips off the cracked protective glass she had put on months ago without me noticing. The screen is completely intact.


Anyway, anyway. We went to a kiddies park. I travelled through town a little. I shot a film. The pictures don‘t always match the words folks.










Zeiss Superikonta A 530 (c.1937) / Kodak Portra 400
Moscow July 2020.