Way Past Bedtime now on Itunes

Well, after my old webspace went down it took my podcast with it, and by the time it was back up and running I couldn’t get it back into Itunes, subsequently losing a lot of listeners. No more.

Now, anyone who has tried getting a podcast registered on Itunes will realise what a fickle beast the submission process is. But at last, after over a year, I’ve fixed the problems and it’s back on the listings. Hurrah!

Here’s the link:


Of course the feedburner link is still the best one to use to subscribe:




Christina Maria

I went down to Montreux Jazz 2011 and filmed Christina Maria a couple of weeks ago. I’m fairly pleased with the results. My filming’s not the best, I find it a little too shakey and also the stage was a high one so there’s not much height change on the footage. I also feel I could have used my 100mm this time to get that bit closer and play with the focus. But, I love the sound on the vids. I managed to get the desk sound and mixed it up with my external recorder.
Anyway, enjoy this one taken with a 28mm:-

Navel… live

I filmed Navel’s CD launch here in Basel in February. Kat Kunz came along too and we each had a DSLR on the stage. Kat did a really good job with the fisheye, although I think at times the bassist felt a tad uncomfortable with how close she was coming! I’m not as happy with my own stuff with the 55mm, but cut up with the fisheye it works well. I put my little sound recorder on the desk, so the sound is pretty much what the audience heard – and yes, there is a lot of talking…

I have about 10 songs all cut and uploaded but not accessible anymore as Navel asked me not to show them. But I left one on the youtube.com/waypastbedtime channel and this one as unlisted. Go on the channel if you want to see the other one which is probably my favourite from a filming point of view. Although I do like the one I show you here as it has quite a bombastic energy to it. I think it came out very nicely.

If you’ve a band and you want your live show filmed, let me know.

Way Past Bedtime 56. Evelyn Glennie and Fred Frith Live

Mon, 13 July 2009
(play) (mp3)
The first show from Basel features a one off live recording from Evelyn Glennie and Fred Frith playing a one hour improvisation concert as part of Basel’s Wildwuchs 2009 Festival on June 27th 2009. This is a way past bedtime exclusive.

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