Blackcurrant v.1

I’m vastly in danger of becoming “man in a shed”. Did I say in danger? I think it is perhaps an age thing. I was given a book about adventures in pinhole photography by John Evans for my birthday. It came with a small kit for making your own pinhole camera from cardboard cutouts. So I made that and it was like some kind of door has been opened. I must confessed I’m a bit hooked on this. Of course it has only been a matter of time before I decided to build one of my own. So, today I converted a blackcurrant pastille tin into a pinhole camera. I’m not sure how the photos are going to turn out. Anyway, here is Blackcurrant v.1. I’m actually rather proud of it. This must be surely the beginning of the end.

I’ll post some photos from it soon, meanwhile here’s one from the kit camera. Sometimes they’re a bit hard to work out so I have to take notes!

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